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Publicaciones de 2008

Entendiendo ID real

Has escuchado acerca de REAL ID en las noticias y de nosotros, en NCTE.

Tags: ID real

Congress Investigates Potential Voter Suppression

For those of you who have been following voting rights issues, check out the Consejo de Liderazgo sobre Derechos Civiles (LCCR) March 11th article about Congressional investigation into voting suppression.

Tags: Congreso

Stop No-Match Letter Legislation

A bill pending in the U.S. House of Representatives would make it mandatory for every employer in the nation to participate in the E-Verify (formerly called Basic Pilot) Program.

Registro de votantes

Last week, I went down to the County Clerk's office to update my voter registration in time for the upcoming caucuses here in New Mexico (I'm a telecommuter to NCTE's Washington, DC offices).


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