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Publicaciones de 2010

The Power of Coming Out

Twenty-three years ago today, I was in Washington, DC for the 1987 March on Washington, the very first Coming Out Day. The poster still hangs on the wall behind my desk.

Tags: Al salir

A Historic Federal Grant to Help LGBT Foster Youth

El Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos ha awarded a $13.3 million competitive federal grant to a coalition of groups, led by the LA Gay &a


Claim your right to equal education

When it comes to schools, as in many other areas, federal law does not yet fully protect LGBT people – yet there are some legal protections in place that many people are not aware of.


Speak out: Register and Vote.

Exercising your rights at the ballot box is one way to make your voice heard! But in almost all states, you must be registered to vote. September is National Voter Registration Month.


Preventing Transgender Suicide

Transgender Lives are Precious: National Suicide Prevention Week

Tags: suicidio

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