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Las personas transgénero se enfrentan a niveles extraordinarios de violencia física y sexual, ya sea en las calles, en la escuela o en el trabajo, en el hogar o en manos de funcionarios del gobierno. Más de una de cada cuatro personas trans ha enfrentado un asalto impulsado por prejuicios, y las tasas son más altas para las mujeres trans y las personas trans de color. NCTE está trabajando con grupos contra la violencia, grupos por los derechos de las mujeres, grupos de justicia racial y agencias federales y estatales encargadas de hacer cumplir la ley para combatir la violencia anti-trans. Este esfuerzo no se puede limitar solo a Transgender Day of Remembrance. La educación pública, el cambio de políticas y los esfuerzos de la comunidad son necesarios para abordar las causas complejas de la violencia anti-trans y asegurar que las víctimas puedan recibir apoyo.

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"We Deserve to be Protected:" NCTE's Olivia Hunt Testifies on Anti-Trans Violence at the Capitol

On Wednesday, NCTE Policy Director Olivia Hunt spoke at the House Oversight Committee’s hearing on anti-LGBTQ violence. Olivia described how anti-trans rhetoric and policies coming out of statehouses across the nation fuel the increasing wave of anti-trans violence, and emphasized that trans people, and especially trans youth, deserve to be able to live their lives in safety and security. We were honored to speak alongside survivors of the violent attacks at Club Q, as well as the new President of HRC Kelley Robinson, Williams Institute scholar Ilan Meyer, and Brandon Wolf, Press Secretary of Equality Florida and survivor of the 2016 attack on Orlando’s Pulse nightclub.

On Trans Day of Remembrance, we honor and uplift our community

On Trans Day of Remembrance, we honor those taken from our communities, we celebrate their lives, and we root ourselves in our collective resilience. Our community is incredibly strong. In the face of systemic violence, trans people continue to survive and thrive. We support and celebrate each other while working hard to achieve our dreams.

Nuestro nuevo Remembrance Report centers the humanity and individuality of trans people whose lives were stolen by violence. Whenever possible, we’ve included snapshots of their lives, often shared by their loved ones.

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