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Día Trans del Recuerdo

On Trans Day of Remembrance, we honor and uplift our community

On Trans Day of Remembrance, we honor those taken from our communities, we celebrate their lives, and we root ourselves in our collective resilience. Our community is incredibly strong. In the face of systemic violence, trans people continue to survive and thrive. We support and celebrate each other while working hard to achieve our dreams.

Nuestro nuevo Remembrance Report centers the humanity and individuality of trans people whose lives were stolen by violence. Whenever possible, we’ve included snapshots of their lives, often shared by their loved ones.

Casa Blanca, John Berry observa el día de conmemoración de Trans

Hoy se conmemora el 14th observance of Transgender Day of Remembrance, an international day of remembrance of the people lost to anti-transgender fear, discrimination, and violence.

Remembering Our Dead

Unquestionably, the most solemn day for transgender people in the U.S. is the Transgender Day of Remembrance which is commemorated every November 20, throughout the United State and worldwide.

El dia del recuerdo

El Día de la Memoria de Transgénero, que se celebra el sábado de este año, es un momento para honrar a las personas transgénero que han caído en violencia en los últimos doce meses.

We Remember: The 2009 Day of Remembrance

On this, the eleventh annual Day of Remembrance, we are part of a global movement to honor those who have died.

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