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NCTE en Razones de 14 que hicieron a 2011 ideal para personas trans


La ha publicado un artículo de opinión de la Directora Ejecutiva de NCTE, Mara Keisling, sobre los avances culturales y políticos de 14 que hicieron que 2011 fuera ideal para las personas trans:

For eight years, I've been incredibly fortunate to be doing trans social justice work. And as I look back at what has been accomplished, I can say that 2011 is especially marked by victory after victory. Most Americans now know a little bit more about the struggle trans people face. Every day people are becoming stronger trans allies. From the trans actors we are finally seeing on movie and television screens, to local nondiscrimination laws, and to the global call for LGBT rights, there is real change in nearly every facet of our lives.

Lea el artículo completo esta página.

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