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Harper Jean Tobin

Si queremos proteger a las tropas trans, necesitamos proteger a nuestros tribunales

El martes pasado, la Corte Suprema de los EE. UU. Dijo que permitiría a la Administración Trump implementar temporalmente su notoria prohibición de personas transgénero mientras continúan los desafíos legales.


Trump Nominee Thinks Trans People Are A 'Delusion'

El año pasado nos ayudaste. 


Trabajadores transgénero y la política de disgusto en la Corte Suprema

When transgender Americans are asked what they need to thrive in society, the first and most common answer is “jobs.” A livelihood is the most crucial building block of a stable life, but 


Trump Health Officials Prepare to Promote Anti-Trans Discrimination

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the latest federal agency to make moves against the transgender community under the Trump administration.


Preguntas de 7 que tienen las personas trans sobre Brett Kavanaugh

We already know a lot about Brett Kavanaugh: he is a reliable arch-conservative to the right of Justices Scalia and Gorsuch, and President Trump promises he would “automatically” overturn Roe v. Wade and Obamacare.


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