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Una mirada más cercana a los datos de la encuesta de personas transgénero subraya la necesidad de defensa específica para las comunidades de color


Just over a year ago, NCTE unveiled the full report of the U.S. Transgender Survey (USTS). Through almost 300 pages and 18 chapters of data about topics from employment to civic participation, it told the story of nearly 28,000 transgender people in the United States. Respondents came from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam and U.S. military bases overseas.

As the research team prepared the full report, certain patterns emerged across topic areas. One of the most striking patterns was that transgender people of color experienced deeper and broader forms of discrimination.

As a result, over the last several months, we have released informes de rupturadetailing the experiences of Negro, Latino/a (in Inglés y Español), Indio Americano y Nativo de AlaskaAsian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander personas trans.

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