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NCTE Policy Counsel Harper Jean Tobin Honored as a Top LGBT Lawyer Under 40


The National LGBT Bar Association has named Harper Jean Tobin as one of the "Best LGBT Lawyers Under 40." The annual award recognizes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender legal professionals under the age of 40 who have distinguished themselves in their field and demonstrated a profound commitment to LGBT equality. In a competitive review process Tobin was recognized by her peers for her work in advancing the rights of transgender people. Her research, writing, legal expertise and leadership have led to significant policy victories including:

  • Release of PREA standards including respectful treatment of transgender prisoners Trained DMV employees from all 50 states and the District of Columbia on our model driver's license policy
  • HUD rule prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity for federally-funded and federally-insured housing programs
  • Removal of gender marker from the Social Security Administration's largest matching service, ending the involuntary outing of trans employees to their employers
  • Several federal agencies include gender identity in their EEO policies
  • Passage of a federal hate crimes law that includes gender identity with sexual orientation

"Harper Jean has quickly become one of the country's leading authorities on transgender law and federal policy," said Mara Keisling, NCTE Executive Director. "Without her, NCTE could not have achieved the tremendous federal policy gains for transgender equality that we have over the last few years. She has led our policy team with determination and commitment to the cause." Tobin's writing on law, policy and transgender equality has been published in the Harvard Kennedy School's Diario de políticas LGBTQ, Notre Dame's Revista de Legislación, the Yale Law Journal Pocket Part, el Columbia Journal of Gender & the Law, the Case Western Reserve Revista de derecho internacionalRevisión de la cámara de compensación, el Revista de Derecho NacionalLa NaciónRoll Call. Harper Jean also regularly provides commentary to national news publications like the New York Times, el El Correo de Washington, el Revista Advocate, y laThe Huffington Post. She received degrees in law and social work from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland and is an alumna of Oberlin College.

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